Mission Kuladevi
The word Kuladevi is gathered from two words: Kula,meaning clan or dynasty and Devi,meaning deity. So Kuladevies are deities which are worshiped by particular clans or dynasty. Hindu families make a pilgrimage to the Kuladevi and kuladevata temple to gain the blessing of the deity after an auspicious occasion such as a child birth,wedding etc. Kuladevi(female) and Kuladevata(male)are worshiped in the state of Marwaar(Rajasthan,Hariyana), Gujarat, Maharashtra and south India. Some of famous kuladevies are Jeen mata, Karni mata, Kamakshi mata, Jamvaay mata etc. Kuladevatas Ramdevji,Gogaji,Paabuji,Salasar Balaji,Khaatu shyamji Naagdev etc.
The Kuladevi or Kuladevata is the guardian of the vlan,so generation by generation people worship the deity of thire clan. A hindu family faiths a Kuldevi as their Mother,so when a child takes birth,parennts get the child to the temple of their Kuladevi or Kuladevata for"Jaat-adoola"
(a ritual of first hair cutting at the kuladevi temple).
' Mission Kuldevi' is a research project about Kuldevies and Kuldevatas. Goals of the mission are:-
1. Criticize the delineation of Kuldevies and Kuldevtas according to Gotras (Social Communities) & clans and publish as research book in public spirit.
2.Publish the story and marvels of every Kuldevi and Kuladevata named 'Kuldevi Katha Mahatmya' in different volumes.
3.Maru-Culture Encyclopedia.
you can provide us delineation of your Kuldevi and Gotra by filling up the Survey proforma . We welcome your opinions about the mission.
The word Kuladevi is gathered from two words: Kula,meaning clan or dynasty and Devi,meaning deity. So Kuladevies are deities which are worshiped by particular clans or dynasty. Hindu families make a pilgrimage to the Kuladevi and kuladevata temple to gain the blessing of the deity after an auspicious occasion such as a child birth,wedding etc. Kuladevi(female) and Kuladevata(male)are worshiped in the state of Marwaar(Rajasthan,Hariyana), Gujarat, Maharashtra and south India. Some of famous kuladevies are Jeen mata, Karni mata, Kamakshi mata, Jamvaay mata etc. Kuladevatas Ramdevji,Gogaji,Paabuji,Salasar Balaji,Khaatu shyamji Naagdev etc.
The Kuladevi or Kuladevata is the guardian of the vlan,so generation by generation people worship the deity of thire clan. A hindu family faiths a Kuldevi as their Mother,so when a child takes birth,parennts get the child to the temple of their Kuladevi or Kuladevata for"Jaat-adoola"
(a ritual of first hair cutting at the kuladevi temple).
' Mission Kuldevi' is a research project about Kuldevies and Kuldevatas. Goals of the mission are:-
1. Criticize the delineation of Kuldevies and Kuldevtas according to Gotras (Social Communities) & clans and publish as research book in public spirit.
2.Publish the story and marvels of every Kuldevi and Kuladevata named 'Kuldevi Katha Mahatmya' in different volumes.
3.Maru-Culture Encyclopedia.
you can provide us delineation of your Kuldevi and Gotra by filling up the Survey proforma . We welcome your opinions about the mission.
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